Marine Life Jacket

Marine Life Jacket

Looking for a life jacket? Today’s jacket comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and materials. No matter which life jacket you choose, be sure it’s right for YOU, your planned activities, and the water conditions you expect to encounter. Try It On.

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Model: SLJ-MY

These lightweight and easy to wear life jacket comes with a collar to keep your head above the water. It will help you remain in a position which permits proper breathing and to stay afloat.

Buoyancy can be found on both front & back in separate compartments, making movements & wearing the vest easily.

These life jackets also come with 2pcs x 40mm waist straps & 1pcs crotch strap and a whistle to attract attention during an emergency.

Standard micro prismatic reflective material on the collar.

SIRIM Test Report: No 2005MA0686

Product Code Size Colour
SLJ-MY S, M, L, XL Din Orange



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